Rain Coat season is coming soon

Believe it or not, it’s time to think about rain coats and rain pants! Your child will need a raincoat that is truly waterproof, and large enough to fit over their warmer clothing, and rain pants as well. A company that I highly recommend is Puddlegear. They sell online at www.puddlegear.com, and although their products are not inexpensive, in the long run they are a great value because they will last through many children and are truly waterproof. Rain boots can last through several children if they are good quality.   I recommend you avoid the Western Chief brand! They crack and leak almost immediately. I have never seen a pair of this brand make it through a winter. Wet feet are cold feet are sad feet. Rain gear is not usually needed in the first few weeks of school, so take your time to track down the best that your family can find/afford.

Posted in recommendations, seasons in the garden

Do you wonder about the importance of play? This article is a few years old, and everything in it is still true. Read it, and then go play! Taking Play Seriously, NY Times Magazine:
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I am deeply grateful to Brené Brown for her work on courage, vulnerability and empathy. If you don’t know her work, start with this short but powerful animation, and then go to her webpage.
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When I’m not teaching, I volunteer with Bark, the defenders and protectors of Mt. Hood. Free monthly hikes, monthly educational talks on forest issues, families welcome! Come learn how to defend the forest.
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